Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain

Friday, December 30, 2022

Amazing Student Outcomes from Study Abroad

The outcomes, related to personal growth and values, career and professional development. 

  • 10% of US Undergraduate students study abroad- setting students apart from 90% of peers when applying for graduate school or a job after graduation.
  • 2% of US Community College students study abroad- setting students ahead of 98% of their peers on transfer.  
  • 100% students experience a rise in the GPA after returning from Study Abroad
  • 97% of study abroad students found a job within 12 months of graduation vs. 47% of college graduates found employment in the same period.
  • 25% higher salaries: that’s how much more study abroad students earn than those college graduates who did not study abroad.  That averages around $7000 per year.
  • Skills gained; intercultural competence, an understanding of diversity, problem solving, etc.  Personal aptitudes gained: independence, creativity, initiative, adaptability, flexibility, sense of humor, patience, values, etc.

Don't Believe It?

Check out the studies yourself: the UC Merced Study Abroad website (short) or the AIFS Study Abroad Outcomes study (long). 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Barcelona Sp 2023

Why Study Abroad?

4 Minute Do-It-Yourself Meeting

DVC Study Abroad Web-Site

Academic Information

Financial Aid Information

Barcelona Contact Info

Instructor Bio's

Barcelona Course Offerings

Select Your Classes

Barcelona Course Schedule

Barcelona Course Descriptions

Barcelona Course Transferability Chart

Barcelona Sp 2023 Course Offerings

Courses offered by Contra Costa Community College District

Faculty: Scott MacDougall

POLSC220 - Comparative Politics

POLSC 250 - International Relations

SOCSC 123 - American Pop Culture

INTD 100* - Spanish Life and Culture

Courses offered by Santa Rosa Junior College

Faculty: Panella

COMM 7 - Intercultural Communication

HUMAN 5 - World Humanities: Arts,

    Ideas, Values

HUMAN 7 - Introduction to the Humanities

INTDIS 90* - Spanish Life and Culture

Courses offered by Los Rios Community College District

Faculty: Roxanne Morgan

ENGLT 340 - World Literature I 

    (Ancient World to Early 17th C)

ENGLT 341 - World Literature II 

    (18th C to Present)

ENGWR 301 - College Composition 

    & Literature

ANTH 391* - Spanish Life and Culture

Note: ENGLT 340, ENGLT 341, & ENGWR 301 all have a prerequisite of College Composition

Courses offered by San Mateo Community College District

Faculty: Jeremy Ball

PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 244 - Introduction to Ethics: 

    Contemporary Social & Moral Issues

GBST 101 - Introduction to Global 


GBST 650* - Spanish Life and Culture

AIFS Presentation Slides Video

For your reference, all of the slides shown at the Informational Meeting, in order.  You can fast forward to the slide you wanted to see again and pause the video to have a longer look

AIFS Introduction Video

 This video introduces our on the ground support team AIFS.  Not all of the things they describe apply to our program (meal plans differ) but it will give you a good sense of how they take care of us in our Study Abroad home.