Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Meet London Instructor, JoAnn Hobbs

Thinking about studying abroad this Fall in London?

Check out this video for a preview

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ciao Studenti

From our Instructor in Florence, Michelle Krup...

Hello AIFS Students!

I hope that you are getting ready to travel to Florence this week and begin your study abroad experience!  I have already arrived in Florence and I must share with you that it is extremely beautiful here, but it is very cold and raining.  Please remember to bring your warm coat and an umbrella.  Today in Florence it is 4 Centigrade (this is cold, use your conversion skills to figure this out in Fahrenheit).

The classrooms are being prepared for your classes and I have been making sure that all is ready for our experience in Florence.  The other day I visited the Duomo and scouted out several locations for our drawing classes and site visits for our Art History classes.  I am planning many wonderful things for us to experience.

There are many students from other schools already in Florence.  Walking on the streets and making small shopping trips one hears many languages.  Please be ready for new opportunities to learn at many levels.

The small cafes have many delicious seasonal treats available to try and the little shop windows offer artfully displayed merchandise for your visual delight.

The AIFS staff and I are getting everything ready for your arrival… see you soon.

A presto,
Michele A. Krup
Diablo Valley College

Sunday, January 20, 2013

You CAN afford to go!

It’s not that expensive

Living away from home costs money no matter where you live. A semester abroad is not much more expensive than a semester at a CSU Campus.  A semester in Chico would cost about $12,000.  Study Abroad fees, courses & housing is about $8,000.   Meals, books and incidentals will add a little more and travel costs to Europe are slightly higher than to Chico…   But hey, you’re in Europe!

Monday, January 14, 2013

List of London Courses

The following courses will be offered in offered in London this Fall.  CLICK For a full description of their content.

LMC (DVC) - JoAnn Hobbs
ENGL 154 - Shakespeare and His World
ENGL 180 - Literature of the Drama
ENGL 253 - Survey of Late English Literature

CSM - Sondra Saterfield
PSYC 100 - General Psychology
PSYC 200 - Developmental Psychology
PSYC 300 - Social Psychology

CRC - Colette Harris-Mathews
COMM 315 - Persuasion
COMM 325 - Intercultural Communication
COMM 361 - The Communication Experience

SRJC - Nicole Novak-Villano
ANTHRO 1 - Physical Anthropology
ANTHRO 2 - Cultural Antropology
ANTHRO 3 - Prehistory and Archeology

Sunday, January 13, 2013

London Meeting Schedule

Fall 2013 Semester in London, England!
Apply NOW for the London Program for the fall 2013 Semester. Space is limited and interest is high.  If you really want to go, you need to act now!

DVC Information Meetings:
-          W. 02/13         2-3pm    LA 115
-          Th. 02/21        5-6pm      LA 114
-          W. 03/05       3:30-4:30pm  LA117

San Ramon Campus Information Meeting
      -         W.  2/06, 2-3 p.m., W 135

LMC Information Meetings:
      -        Th.    02/28    3:30 -4:30 pm    CC3-365 

In BRENTWOOD - Th. 02/14   2:30 -3:30pm   Room 9 

CCC Information Meeting:
     -        Tuesday, March 5, 3pm    SSS-Conf. B